Saturday, August 3, 2013

Personal Life

Left: Marx with (standing) wife Jenny von Westphalen, Right: Marx with wife, 2 daughters and Friedrich Engels
Jenny von Westphalen was born to an aristocratic family, yet married to Karl Marx who had been a friend since childhood as well as trusted and befriended by Westphalen's aristocrat father.

Marx and von Westphalen were graced with seven children but only three of those survived until adulthood. On the [right] photo are two daughters Laura and Eleanor.

Uprising of Silesia

Eisenwalzwerk by Adolph Menzel

The painting shows the production of the railroad controlled by Prussia(former German Kingdom) that supported the Industrialization. However, the machineries and other establishments caused dissatisfaction of the Silesians who worked manually - hence, provoked and led the Uprising.

Eisenwalzwerk was just one of the hundreds of drawings of Adolph Menzel. He is a painter of historicist scenes and is identified to be one of the 19th Century most important German Realists.

Uprising in Lyons Weavers, France

Live free working or die trying...
It was in 1831 when Lyon was faced by a bad economy that resulted to a drop in the silk price which compromised the weavers' wages, hence the provoked attack to have the manufacturers "change" their mind. On 1834, there was a repeat but instead of low wages, the manufacturers saw that the weavers' wages were too high.

"Live free working or die trying" was the rebels' slogan. 

Polish Uprising: 1830-1831

Wziecie Arsenalu (Seizure of the Warsaw Arsenal) by Marcin Zaleski(SOURCE:

The painter, Marcin Zaleski, was an eyewitness to the November Uprising in Warsaw.

Revolution in France: 1830

La Liberté guidant le peuple (Liberty Leading the People) by Eugène Delacroix, 1830

The painting is a commemoration of the 1830 French Revolution lead by the workers who made the dethroning of Charles X possible, bringing Louis-Philippe "Citizen King" as the new king.

The woman in the painting symbolizes value of Liberty, holding the French Revolution flag (which was turned into the country's flag by Louis-Philippe) in once hand and a musket in the other.